
Nikon D800 and D4

Nikon D800 and D4: SLR that Block, viewfinder Non-Aligned

 Increasingly you are having problems and defects on new digital cameras, even those ... valuable. It 's happened to Fuji X10, plagued by the problem of white discs (' white orbs') - Fuji admits, Faulty sensor of the X10 and X-S1 - has happened to the Canon 5D Mark III, which solved the problem of stray light the upper display - EOS 5D Mark III: The Light Filter, Answer Canon - and now is the time of the most direct competitor to Canon: something is wrong with the new Nikon D800 full-frame SLR and Nikon D4.

For the record until two problems encountered by many users who have described the network in recent weeks: the sudden blockage of the reflex that forces the photographer to remove the battery to start shooting and a problem that seems related to an improper alignment the viewfinder.

PDN Online has published on its website (www.pdnonline.com/gear/Nikon-Investigating--5632.shtml) a statement of fact that Nikon USA confirms the existence of the first problem and recommend a temporary solution while promising a more thorough investigation and a final solution:

"We became aware of the problem ... The problem can be solved, for now, disable the options 'Highlights' and 'RGB Histogram' submenu 'Playback Display Options' menu 'Playback'.
Nikon apologizes ... ".

In all probability the problem will be solved soon with a firmware upgrade of the machine.
But there's more, because there is a second problem that has manifested itself on some Nikon D800 users delivered with a viewfinder is not perfectly aligned, which makes it unusable in fact the new full frame DSLR.
Fstoppers describes the experience as a photographer (http://fstoppers.com/news-nikon-d800-has-confirmed-focusview-finder-issues) who, having found that the viewfinder was out of focus, has sent a first time machine assistance to get it back a few days later, again with the front sight out of alignment.
A second dispatch assistance, and this time, the admission by Nikon, a problem with a batch of D800.
The problems were actually two, because even the autofocus system, from time to time, appeared to malfunction.
The Nikon service to fixed autofucus but requested time to clean the viewfinder because the components needed would come from there in a month.

The publication of the case on Fstoppers, user comments and republication of Nikon Rumors, had no effect, so that Nikon has called the photographer offering immediate replacement of the SLR (but without the reimbursement of expenses incurred for shipments to care) .

Over? Maybe not, because Fstoppers is now investigating claims that one of the users in the comments: the same problem with a Nikon D4.

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